Tailored Solution for Entrepreneur | Harris Fraser

Tailored Solution for Entrepreneur

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Harris Fraser offers financial solutions tailored to the entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs need financial services that the small finance institutions cannot offer in terms of service and product complexities, and access to financial products issued by banks and international financial firms.We provides entrepreneurs with end-to-end solutions and specialised offerings of financial services tailored to their needs. 

As a one-stop financial platform, we work seamlessly with our group companies and benefited from their individual capabilities.


Why we are different?

We can help you on your road to success

  • We have extensive business networks together with major insurance companies and financial institutions.
  • We partner with reputable private banks to offer our clients with personalised financial and investment services and products.
  • All our relationship managers are hand-picked for their expertise and experience. Our clients will have their dedicated relationship mangers to look after their needs and to support them from all walks of journey with us.
Service Features

Private Banking Advisory

We work with reputable private banks to service business owners with a unique, market-leading service. Services include investment services, wealth planning and protection, and banking solutions.

Corporate MPF Advisory

As a registered MPF Intermediary, Harris Fraser caters to the pension needs of employers and employees. We work with clients recommending the most suitable MPF providers to maximise the benefits and minimise exposure to risk.

Key-man Insurance

Keyman Insurance provides your company with the appropriate financial support to keep your business running in the event that your key people (owner, director, or CEO) in your business have a premature death or disability that disrupts operations and threatens survival.

Discretionary Investment Management

Harris Fraser provide a range of In-house Discretionary Solutions tailor to your needs.

What people say about Harris Fraser Group?
  • Harris Fraser one of the pioneers in the wealth management industry in Hong Kong. We have invaluable experience and expertise.

  • We want our clients to grow with us, their wealth, to grow with us. We’ve stayed in the industry for thirty years because we can meet our clients’ needs.

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